The importance of event sustainability cannot be stressed enough, as it plays a crucial role in preserving our environment and promoting responsible practices. Events, often drawing significant crowds and utilizing considerable resources, have the potential to generate substantial waste and carbon emissions. On average, events generate a staggering 2.5 pounds per person of landfill-bound waste every day. Embracing sustainability reduces the ecological footprint while fostering a positive image for organizers and participants alike. By implementing eco-friendly measures, such as waste reduction, renewable energy usage, and responsible sourcing, events can set an example for attendees, inspiring them to adopt sustainable habits in their daily lives. Moreover, fostering sustainability in events demonstrates a commitment to social responsibility, enhancing the event's reputation and leaving a lasting, positive impact on both the environment and the communities involved.

Here at Wizard Studios, we are determined to challenge the notion that mass consumption is necessary for creating unique experiences. Our mission is to shine a spotlight on authentic creativity and environmental consciousness. By refocusing the cultural emphasis on sustainability, we envision a future filled with hope, necessity, and collective action.


Event signage plays a significant role in guiding and informing attendees, but unfortunately, the traditional methods of using ink, paper, and vinyl are outdated and highly wasteful. As we strive for more sustainable event solutions, ditch these environmentally harmful practices and explore alternative options that reduce our ecological footprint. Embracing digital technology, such as utilizing monitors and screens, offers a greener approach to event signage. These digital displays allow for dynamic and customizable content AND significantly minimize paper waste and reduce the need for excessive printing. By adopting eco-friendly alternatives, event organizers can make a positive impact on the environment while creating a more immersive and forward-thinking experience for attendees.


The impact of food on our environment often goes unnoticed, and unsustainable agricultural practices have led to dire consequences, including the loss of over 75 billion tons of fertile soil, more than 24.7 million acres of forest annually, and a staggering 60% decline in global biodiversity since the industrial revolution. A significant contributor to the environmental burden is food waste, which constitutes the most common material sent to landfills and incinerators in the United States, accounting for 50% of all waste generated by Americans each year. While properly portioning food to limit leftovers is essential, having a comprehensive compost, trash, and recycling plan for your conference is equally crucial.

A way to prioritize sustainability is by partnering with caterers that focus on sustainable, locally sourced ingredients and are committed to using eco-friendly disposable products that are compostable. To minimize your event's food waste, consider implementing these steps:

  • Reuse event materials whenever possible.

  • Clearly label and group bins for easy access to compost, trash, and recycling.

  • Promote green practices by displaying your logo on marketing materials.

  • Prioritize local foods and ingredients, to reduce transportation-related emissions.

  • Opt for finger foods, which often lead to less food waste.

  • Supply compostable cups, plates, napkins, utensils, and other service ware.

  • Equip compost bins with compostable bin liners.

  • Encourage the use of beverage pitchers and air pot dispensers as alternatives to bottled water/drinks and aluminum cans.

  • Offer compostable takeaway boxes for guests to take any leftovers.

Consider donating acceptable food items, such as unopened snacks and unfinished meals, to the community, where they can still serve their purpose. By collectively taking these measures, we can significantly impact food waste and contribute to a more sustainable future.


When it comes to event decor, prioritizing reusability is essential to minimize environmental impact. Repurpose found objects to create one-of-a-kind centerpieces or live potted plants that can live on past the event and be reused. When it comes to floral arrangements, think about buying locally sourced flowers instead of using cut flowers likely flown in from the Netherlands, Colombia, Ecuador, or Kenya, which usually end up in the trash the next day. Reusing decor from past events and upcycling them into fresh designs is not only a fun challenge but also promotes sustainability.

Exploring recycled or upcycled products can yield captivating appearances while reducing waste. Opting for materials like bamboo, wood, or stainless steel for exterior features offers reusable alternatives to plastic. Use FSC-certified paper or cardboard for a more environmentally friendly approach to banners and backdrops, and embellish with digital signage. If you need sustainable custom builds and fabrications, ask our expert artisans, and we'll create something magical for your event with all sustainable and repurposed materials! By adopting these sustainable decor practices, event organizers can make a substantial positive impact on the environment, creating memorable and eco-friendly experiences for all participants.

PRO TIP: Properly disposing of recyclable materials and exploring options to donate furniture, fabrics, and other items further minimize waste and supports a more eco-conscious event!


Selecting the right location for your event is essential, especially if sustainability is a top priority. To reduce carbon emissions associated with air travel, consider a central location that aligns with most of your attendees' locations. Once you've narrowed down the city, our team at Wizard Studios can assist you in finding venues that are either LEED certified or dedicated to embracing eco-friendly practices. LEED-certified venues are globally recognized as leaders in sustainability and will help you achieve your eco-event goals. Here are some key questions to ask when choosing potential venues:

  • Does the building offer on-site accommodations to minimize hotel-to-event travel emissions? 

  • Is the venue accessible via public transportation? 

  • Does the building demonstrate a commitment to sustainability? 

  • What are the venue's recycling and composting initiatives?

Look for energy-efficient practices, such as LED lighting, renewable energy sources, occupancy sensors, and demand-controlled ventilation. Enquire and assess their waste reduction options, including the use of limited disposables. With all this in consideration, you can ensure that your chosen venue aligns with your eco-conscious event objectives and contributes to a greener and more sustainable event experience.

FIND Eco-conscious VENDORS

Finding sustainable event vendors is crucial for creating eco-friendly and environmentally responsible events. When selecting hotels, look for those with green certifications or sustainable practices, such as energy-efficient systems and waste reduction initiatives. For transportation, opt for eco-friendly options like electric shuttles or public transit. When choosing caterers, prioritize those who use locally sourced, organic ingredients and offer compostable or reusable service ware. As for swag gear, seek vendors that provide sustainable and ethically produced products, such as recycled materials or biodegradable items. By making eco-conscious choices in every aspect of event planning, we can collectively contribute to a greener future and inspire positive change within the event industry.

Embarking on the path toward a more sustainable future starts with that first intentional step. Each step, no matter how small, contributes to meaningful change over time. By prioritizing sustainability in your brand's approach, you'll be protecting the environment while securing the well-being of future generations and your own long-term. Take that step today and reach out to the event experts at Wizard Studios to begin planning your next eco-friendly and sustainable event. Together, we can create a positive impact and set a greener standard for the events industry. Let's make a difference!


